How Energy Medicine Works
Energy medicine works directly with our luminous energy field (LEF). We all have an energy field around our physical body, which surrounds and informs the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of our being. The LEF holds both positive and negative life memories. Early life traumas (from this or previous lifetimes) can compel us toward particular behaviors, relationships, and illnesses that are similar to the initial traumas, in an attempt to heal the original wound. This is why we often find ourselves repeating patterns of behavior or running around in loops and wondering to ourselves when the merry-go-round will stop.
What I want you to know is that merry-go-round can stop! You can stop it and heal, and transform yourself.
The shamans of old say we dream our world into being. You have this time, right here, right now, to dream your life – to live, to live your life for yourself, and to create more well-being, peace, and passion in your life.
Through the Light Body School created by Alberto Villoldo, PhD, I was initiated into the Q'ero Andean Tribe who still reside high in the Andean mountains. In this tradition, the shamans perceive a map. A map we can follow and it mirrors this world where we live. They perceive a map of the four directions.. The south, the west, the north, and the east, as well as the Mother Earth and Father Sky. These four levels of perception are depicted by four archetypal animals, each in one of the four directions. The south direction is represented by the serpent; the west, jaguar; in the north, hummingbird; and in the east, eagle. The serpent represents our physical being (the body), the realm of cells, atoms, hormones, electrons and neurons. The jaguar represents our mental being (our mind, the realm of thoughts). The mind communicates through words, feelings, senses, intuition and gut feelings. The hummingbird represents our soul (the soul is the realm of the mythic). The soul dreams, visualizes in pictures and paintings, and understands music, poetry, ceremony, ritual and fire. And the eagle represents our spirit selves (pure energy). The spirit is pure energy and cannot be accessed by words or images. Most of us live primarily in the physical and mental aspects of our beings. We often are disconnected or even estranged from our soul and with spirit.
Energy medicine, as practiced in shamanism works to balance and heal the realms of these four aspects of ourselves.
I can work with you so that you can understand your engagement with your world in these four areas and change your perception of your life, the way you live, your relationships, your work and passion, and help you to walk the beauty way in Love.
Love Rules!
“It’s your road, and yours alone. Others may walk it with you, but no one can walk it for you.”
--- Rumi